Jawhara Tawhid of Imam Al-Laqqani

“Jawhara al-Tawhid” (The Jewel of Divine Unity) is a renowned Islamic text authored by Imam Ibrahim al-Laqqani (d. 1041 AH/1631 CE), a prominent scholar of the Ash’ari school of theology. The work is a concise poetic treatise on the fundamentals of the Islamic creed (ʿaqīdah), particularly focusing on the concept of tawhid (monotheism) and the attributes of God. It is one of the key texts studied in the Ash’ari theological tradition, representing mainstream Sunni thought.

Jawhara al-Tawhid focuses on:

  • Tawhid: The Oneness of God, emphasizing His unique and unparalleled nature.
  • Attributes of God: An outline of the essential and necessary attributes Muslims must affirm about God, such as existence, eternity, power, and knowledge.
  • Prophethood: The necessity of believing in the prophets, their truthfulness, and their infallibility in conveying divine messages.
  • Eschatology: Basic teachings regarding the afterlife, including resurrection, judgment, and paradise and hell.

Course Contents

Course Instructor

Shaykh Muhammad Habib Bewley

Shaykh Muhammad Habib Bewley is currently the Imam Khatib at the Ihsan Mosque in Norwich. He has an MA degree in Arabic from Edinburgh University and a second MA in Translation Studies from the University of Salford in Manchester. In addition, he spent 3 years studying Islamic Jurisprudence and the Arabic Language at the Qarawiyyin University in Fez followed by 3 years in the Belbahloul Madrasa in Kelaa Srghna in Morocco. He has been translating classical Islamic texts for the past eighteen years, including the Dalail an-nubuwwa of Shaykh AbdalHalim Mahmoud, Fath Mulhim, Kitāb at-Tahara, and other texts.