Mukhtasar al-Akhdari (Summary on Ibadat According to the School of Imam Malik) – Starting Soon

Mukhtaṣar al-Akhdari written by the great Algerian scholar Abd al-Rahman al-Akhdari (d. 953/1514) is a widely regarded as the basic entry point to the study of Maliki fiqh. Moreover, it is perfect for the new Muslim in the beginning of his/her journey in learning the integrals of the religion.

Objectives and learning outcomes of the course

On successful completion of this course, students will:

  • have acquired a basic understanding of the core integrals of the laws pertaining to personal purification according to the Maliki School.
  • have acquired a basic understanding of the core integrals of the laws pertaining to prayer.

Course Contents

Course Instructor

Shaykh Muhammad Habib Bewley